Daniele CUNEO
Maître de conférences – Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3
Daniele Cuneo est maître de conférences en sanskrit et civilisation indienne à l’Université de La Sorbonne nouvelle. Après avoir obtenu son doctorat à l’Université de Rome « La Sapienza » sous la direction de Raffaele Torella, il a travaillé et enseigné dans trois prestigieuses universités européennes à Vienne, Cambridge et Leiden. Ses principaux domaines de recherche sont l’esthétique sanskrite, la philosophie du langage et la codicologie de l’Asie du Sud. Ses publications comprennent plusieurs articles sur l’esthétique sanskrite, une traduction italienne du Mānavadharmaśāstra (avec Federico Squarcini), une traduction italienne du Muttoḷḷāyiram (avec Giovanni Ciotti) et de nombreuses contributions dans le catalogue numérique des collections manuscrites en sanskrit de la bibliothèque universitaire de Cambridge. Ses projets futurs incluent l’édition critique, la traduction et l’étude des plusieurs textes sanskrits dédiés à l’esthétique et à la philosophie du langage tels que l’Abhidhāvṛttamātṛkā de Mukula, le commentaire inédit de Sahadeva à l’œuvre de Vāmana et le Śabdavyāpāravicāra de Mammaṭa.
Profils HAL & Academia
Articles dans une revue
- Daniele Cuneo. Back on the map. Sahadeva's place in the intellectual history of Kashmiri poetics. Bulletin d'Études Indiennes, 2024, 36, pp.229-276. ⟨hal-04818393⟩
- Daniele Cuneo, Elisa Ganser. Gracefully Twisting the Neck. Literary Commentaries as a (Meta)Genre of Scholarly Discourse. Asiatische Studien/Etudes Asiatiques, 2023, 76 (3), pp.1-36. ⟨10.1515/asia-2022-0046⟩. ⟨hal-03945855⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Review of “Les scolastiques indiennes. Genèses, développements, interactions, edited by Émilie Aussant and Gérard Colas, Paris: École française d’Extrême Orient (Études thématiques 32.), 2020, pp. 326.”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 2021, 84 (3), pp.583-585. ⟨hal-03931847⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Social Constructions of Sexuality in South Asia. Kervan. Rivista internazionale di studii afroasiatici = International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies, 2017, 21, pp.17-22. ⟨hal-03931593⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Review of "On the Growth and Composition of the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas: Relationship to Kāvya, Social and Economic Context, edited by Ivan Andrianić and Sven Sellmer, Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2016, pp. XXXVI, 536.". Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 2016, 58, pp.262-267. ⟨hal-03931605⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Review of “Srinivasa Ayya Srinivasan, Nonviolence and Holistically Environmental Ethics. Groping While Reading Samayadivākaravāmaṉamuṉi, Berlin, Lit Verlag, Leipziger Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte Süd- und Zentralasiens, 2007, pp. XXV, 198.”. Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, n.s, 2014, 87, pp.129-131. ⟨hal-03931584⟩
- Daniele Cuneo, Elisa Ganser. The Actor's Social Status and Agency. Fame or Misery?. Cracow Indological Studies, 2012, 14, pp.87-131. ⟨hal-03931668⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Thinking Literature. Emic and Etic Approaches. Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, n.s, 2011, 84 (1-4), pp.123-128. ⟨hal-03931560⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. The Emotional Sphere in the Light of the Abhinavabhāratī. Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, n.s, 2007, 80 (1-4), pp.21-39. ⟨hal-03931659⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Linguisticità ed esperienza estetica in Abhinavagupta e Gadamer. Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici, 2006, 1, pp.139-160. ⟨hal-03931643⟩
N°spécial de revue/special issue
- Daniele Cuneo, Elisa Ganser. Literary Commentaries and the Intellectual Life of South Asia. Asiatische Studien/Etudes Asiatiques, 76 (3), 2023. ⟨hal-03973436⟩
- Daniele Cuneo, Elisa Freschi, Camillo Alessio Formigatti. Not Far Afield: Asian Perspectives on Sexuality, Testimony and Print Culture. A Coffee Break Project. Kervan. Rivista internazionale di studii afroasiatici = International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies, 21, 2017. ⟨hal-03931518⟩
- Matilde Adducci, Cristina Bignami, Daniele Cuneo, Camillo Alessio Formigatti, Elisa Freschi, et al.. The Study of Asia between Tradition and Modernity. Proceedings of the First Coffee Break Conference. Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, n.s, 84 (1-4), 2011. ⟨hal-03929677⟩
Ouvrages (y compris édition critique et traduction)
- Daniele Cuneo, Elisa Ganser. Pensare l'attore. Unicopli. 2024, 9788840022734. ⟨hal-04491227⟩
- Giovanni Ciotti, Daniele Cuneo. Copioso sangue e rossa pasta di sandalo. La poesia tamil del Muttoḷḷāyiram (‘la novecentina dei tre re'). Ariele, 2021, 9788897476528. ⟨hal-03929378⟩
- Daniele Cuneo, Lucas den Boer (Dir.). Puṣpikā: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions. Contributions to Current Research in Indology, Volume IV. Oxbow Books, 2017, 9781785707568. ⟨hal-03931531⟩
- Vincenzo Vergiani, Daniele Cuneo (Dir.). Indic Manuscript Cultures through the Ages. Material, Textual and Historical Investigations. De Gruyter, 2017, 9783110543100. ⟨hal-03931543⟩
- Daniele Cuneo, Federico Squarcini. Il Trattato di Manu sulla Norma (Mānavadharmaśāstra). Giulio Einaudi Editore, 2010, 9788806199777. ⟨hal-03929523⟩
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Daniele Cuneo, Federico Squarcini. Introduction. Les Lois de Manu. Mānavadharmaśāstra, Belles Lettres, pp.7-17, 2022. ⟨hal-03931613⟩
- Daniele Cuneo, Elisa Ganser. Thespian Musings beyond Abhinavagupta: The Emotional and Aesthetic Experience of the Actor 2. Raffaele Torella. Italian Scholars on India, vol. 1: Classical Indology, Motilal Banarsidass, pp.137-187, 2022, 9393214735. ⟨hal-03929490⟩
- Daniele Cuneo, Elisa Ganser. The Emotional and Aesthetic Experience of the Actor. Diderot’s Paradoxe sur le comédien in Sanskrit dramaturgy. Francesco Sferra; Vincenzo Vergiani. Verità e bellezza. Essays in honour of Prof. Raffaele Torella, Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”, pp.193-272, 2022, 978-88-6719-209-0. ⟨hal-03929474⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Meaning beyond Words: The Implicature Wars. Alessandro Graheli. The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Philosophy of Language, Bloomsbury Academic, pp.396-422, 2020, 9781350049154. ⟨hal-03929349⟩
- Daniele Cuneo, Lucas den Boer. Preface. Daniele Cuneo; Lucas den Boer. Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions. Contributions to Current Research in Indology, Volume IV, Oxbow Books, pp.i-iv, 2017. ⟨hal-03931597⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Vivid Images, Not Opaque Words.. Vincenzo Vergiani; Daniele Cuneo; Camillo Alessio Formigatti. Indic Manuscript Cultures through the Ages. Material, Textual and Historical Investigations, De Gruyter, pp.551-586, 2017, 9783110543100. ⟨hal-03928902⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. ‘This is Not a Quote’. Quotation Emplotment, Quotational Hoaxes and Other Unusual Cases of Textual Reuse in Sanskrit Poetics-cum-Dramaturgy. Elisa Freschi; Philipp Maas. Adaptive Reuse. Aspects of Creativity in South Asian Cultural History, Harrassowitz, pp.219-253, 2017, 9783447107075. ⟨hal-03928900⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Detonating or Defusing Desire. From Utpaladeva’s Ecstatic Aesthetics to Abhinavagupta’s Ecumenical Art Theory. Raffaele Torella; Bettina Bäumer. Utpaladeva, Philosopher of Recognition, DK Printworld, pp.31-76, 2016, 9788124608432. ⟨hal-03923356⟩
- Daniele Cuneo, Paola Ricciardi. Cambridge University Library, MS OR. 2258, fols. 134v-135r. Stella Panayotova. COLOUR: The Art and Science of Illuminated Manuscripts, Harvey Miller/Brepols, pp.72-73, 2016, 9781909400573. ⟨hal-03931591⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. The Culmination of Sanskrit Aesthetics in Kashmir: A Hypothesis on Ruyyaka's Alaṃkārasarvasva in the light of Jayaratha's Vimarśinī. Eli Franco; Isabelle Ratié. Around Abhinavagupta: Aspects of the Intellectual History of Kashmir from the Ninth to the Eleventh Century, LIT Verlag, pp.149-170, 2016, 9783643906977. ⟨hal-03923407⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Rasa: Abhinavagupta on the Purpose(s) of Art. Sreenath Nair. The Natyashastra and the Body in Performance: Essays on Indian Theories of Dance and Drama, McFarland, pp.72-88, 2015, 9780786471782. ⟨hal-03921622⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. “Ādiyogasamādhi” & “Illuminated dhāraṇī Manuscripts”. Mark Elliot; Hildegard Diemberger; Michela Clemente. Buddha’s Word: The Life of Books in Tibet and Beyond, Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, pp.129-134, 2014. ⟨hal-03931578⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Unfuzzying the Fuzzy. The distinction between rasas and bhāvas in Abhinavagupta and Bharata. Nina Mirnig; Péter-Dániel Szántó; Michael Williams. Puṣpikā: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions. Contributions to Current Research in Indology, Volume I, Oxbow Books, pp.49-75, 2013, 9781842173855. ⟨hal-03921619⟩
- Daniele Cuneo. Introdurre l'immediato. Gianluca Pistilli. Intuizioni, Arduino Sacco Edizioni, pp.7-13, 2011. ⟨hal-03931570⟩
- Bulac Bibliothèque, Maxime Ruscio, Daniele Cuneo, Clea Chakraverty, Nicolas Filicic. Le délicat héritage politique des textes classiques sanskrits. 2023. ⟨hal-04099205⟩