Director of Studies – EPHE-PSL
Director of the GREI-EA2120 team
Vincent Eltschinger (1970) est Directeur d’études à la Section des sciences religieuses de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études, où il a été élu en 2015 sur une chaire d’histoire du bouddhisme indien. Docteur en langues et civilisations orientales de l’Université de Lausanne (2003), ses travaux ont porté d’abord sur la tradition dite des logiciens et théoriciens bouddhistes de la connaissance, en particulier sur la controverse avec la Mīmāṃsā sur des questions de théorie du langage et d’autorité scripturaire. Ses recherches auprès de l’Institut für Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens (Académie des Sciences, Vienne, 2003—2015), qu’il a dirigé (2013-2015), ont porté sur les dimensions religieuses et apologétiques, la généalogie intellectuelle (notamment avec Aśvaghoṣa et la Yogācārabhūmi) et plusieurs figures importantes (Śubhagupta, Jitāri, Śaṅkaranandana) de ce courant philosophique. Vincent Eltschinger a enseigné aux Universités de Lausanne, Zurich, Vienne, Leiden, Leipzig, Venise et Tokyo. Il est l’auteur de plus d’une dizaine de monographies, dont Penser l’autorité des Écritures (2007), Caste and Buddhist Philosophy (2013), Can the Veda Speak? (2013, avec H. Krasser et J. Taber), Self, No-self, and Salvation (2013, avec I. Ratié), Buddhist Epistemology as Apologetics (2014, thèse d’habilitation à l’Université de Vienne), Dharmakīrti’s Theory of Exclusion, I, On Concealing (2018, avec J. Taber, M.T. Much, I. Ratié) et, récemment, avec Isabelle Ratié, Qu’est-ce que la philosophie indienne ? (Paris, Gallimard, Folio essai, 2023).
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Fields of research and research projects
Polémique interreligieuse entre bouddhisme et brahmanisme ; logique et théorie de la connaissance ; généalogie de la philosophie en milieu bouddhique ; Aśvaghoṣa (moine poète) ; Yogācārabhūmi (4e s.) ; Dharmakīrti (vers 600) ; Śaṅkaranandana (9e-10e siècle), « scolastiques comparées ».
HAL & Academia Profiles
Other pages
Prosopographical dictionary of the EPHE
Journal articles
- Vincent Eltschinger. Dharmakīrti and His Commentators’ Views on the Transformation of the Basis and the status of the ālayavijñāna. International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, 2016, 26 (2), pp.37-60. ⟨hal-01447540⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Sur quelques modalités du discours métareligieux indien: essai sur la catégorie indienne du ‘scripturaire’. Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences Religieuses, 2016, Les Sciences des religions en Europe. Etat des lieux 2003-2016, pp.210-220. ⟨hal-01447539⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. The four nobles’ truths and their sixteen aspects: On the soteriological presuppositions of the Buddhist epistemologists’ views on niścaya. Journal of Indian Philosophy, 2014, 42, pp.249-273. ⟨hal-01447531⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. The Yogācārabhūmi against Allodoxies (paravāda): 1. Introduction and Doxography. Vienna Journal for South Asian Studies / Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasies, 2014, 55, pp.191-234. ⟨hal-01447535⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Is There a Burden-bearer? The Sanskrit Bhārahārasūtra and Its Scholastic Interpretations. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2014, 134 (3), pp.453-479. ⟨hal-01447532⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Asvaghosa and (His) Canonical Sources. I. Preaching Selflessness to King Bimbisara and the Magadhans (Buddhacarita 16.73-93). Journal of Indian Philosophy, 2013, 41 (2), pp.167-194. ⟨hal-01447462⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Aśvaghoṣa and (His) Canonical Sources. II. Yaśas, the Kāśyapa Brothers and the Buddha’s Arrival in Rājagṛha (Buddhacarita 16.3–71). Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, 2012, 35 (1-2), pp.171-224. ⟨hal-01447530⟩
- Isabelle Ratié, Vincent Eltschinger. Dharmakīrti against the pudgala. Indogaku Chibettogaku Kenkyu, 2010, 14, pp.185-215. ⟨halshs-01182722⟩
Conference papers
- Vincent Eltschinger. Commentaire et philosophie. Un divertissement.. Enjeux de la philologie indienne, Collège de France (Lyne Bansat-Boudon, Silvia d'Intino, Jean-Noël Robert), Dec 2016, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01447551⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Dharmakīrti’s views on the transformation of the basis and the status of the ālayavijñāna. Mind and Consciousness : International Conference on Ālayavijñāna, Dongguk University, Nov 2016, Séoul, South Korea. ⟨hal-01447550⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Dharmakīrti, apoha, and the two truths. Conceptuality and Non-Conceptuality in Buddhist Thought, Center for Buddhist Studies, University of California (Robert Sharf, Alexander von Rospatt), Nov 2016, Berkeley, United States. ⟨hal-01447549⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Comparer les scolastiques?. Le comparatisme en sciences humaines: questions de méthode, Christophe Grellard et Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos, Jun 2016, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01447548⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Pour une généalogie de la philosophie en milieu bouddhique. XIe Journée du Monde Indien, UMR 7528 Mondes Iranien et Indien (Isabelle Ratié et Jan Houben), May 2016, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01447547⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Mahāyāna Apologetics in Indian Sources. What is Mahāyāna? And what are Mahāyāna Scriptures?, Eko-Haus der Japanischen Kultur, Apr 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany. ⟨hal-01447546⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. A Early Indian Dhyāna Master on Mindfulness and the Four Applications of Mindfulness. Mārga - Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions, Institut für Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens (Cristina Pecchia, Vincent Eltschinger), Dec 2015, Vienna, Austria. ⟨hal-01447884⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. The Indian Buddhist Appropriation of the Kaliyuga. Making Ends Meet Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the End of Times in Medieval Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, SFB Viscom, Institut für Mittelalterliche Forschung (Veronika Wieser), Institut für Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens (Vincent Eltschinger), Sep 2015, Vienna, Austria. ⟨hal-01447839⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Pourquoi les bouddhistes ont-ils adopté le sanscrit ?. HIÉROGLOSSIE I - Moyen Âge latin, monde arabo-persan, Tibet, Inde, Chaire de Philologie de la civilisation japonaise (Jean Noël Robert), Jun 2015, Paris, Collège de France, France. ⟨hal-01447825⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Why Did the Buddhists Adopt Sanskrit?. Conference WW_HistSlx 2015 Strategies of Language Variation: Transcultural Perspectives, Soziolinguistisches Forum Wien, Institut für Iranistik, Institut für Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, Apr 2015, Vienna, Austria. ⟨hal-01447833⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. On the Contemporary Arising of Buddhist Epistemology and Buddhist Tantrism. Tantric Communities in Context: Sacred Secrets and Public Rituals, SFB Viscom - Institut für Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens (Vincent Eltschinger, Nina Mirnig, Marion Rastelli), Feb 2015, Vienna, Austria. ⟨hal-01447881⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Buddhist philosophy as critical examination (parīkṣā): From Buddhist canonical literature to Dharmakīrti. 5th International Dharmakirti Conference, University of Heidelberg, Cluster Professorship Buddhist Studies, Aug 2014, Heidelberg, Germany. ⟨hal-01447893⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. The Uses of “Critical Examination” (parīkṣā) and Independent Reasoning/Analysis in the Self-Diction of Early Indian Buddhist Literati. 17th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS), University of Vienna, Institut für Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Aug 2014, Vienna, Austria. ⟨hal-01447894⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. The Yogācārabhūmi’s Critique of the Brahmanical Account of the Caste-Classes. Buddhism and Social Justice, NFO Research Project "Buddhism and Social Justice", University of Leiden (Jonathan Silk), Apr 2014, Leiden, Netherlands. ⟨hal-01447917⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Remarks on Indian Buddhist Eschatology and Its Uses of the Kaliyuga. Meanings of Community across Medieval Eurasia, SFB Viscom - Austrian Academy of Sciences and University of Vienna, Nov 2013, Vienna, Austria. ⟨hal-01447902⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Whose insight did Śaṅkaranandana provide with adornment? More light on the Prajñālaṅkāra. Around Abhinavagupta. Aspects of the Intellectual History of Kashmir from the 9th to the 11th Centuries, University of Leipzig, Institute of Indology and Central Asian Studies (Isabelle Ratié, Eli Franco), Jun 2013, Leipzig, Germany. ⟨hal-01447898⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Aśvaghoṣa’s Buddhacarita and Vinaya literature. Symposium Numata Chair Holders in Europe, Eko-Haus der Japanischen Kultur, Sep 2012, Düsseldorf, Germany. ⟨hal-01447914⟩
- Veronika Wieser, Vincent Eltschinger, Johann Heiss. Cultures of Eschatology. De Gruyter, 2020, ⟨10.1515/9783110597745⟩. ⟨hal-04000602⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, Isabelle Ratié. Qu'est-ce que la philosophie indienne?. Gallimard, 2023, Folio Essais, 9782072711732. ⟨halshs-03973042⟩
- Isabelle Ratié, Vincent Eltschinger. Che cos’è la filosofia indiana?. Einaudi, 2023. ⟨halshs-04319557⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, Birgit Kellner, Ethan Mills, Isabelle Ratié (Dir.). A Road Less Traveled. Felicitation Volume in Honor of John Taber. Arbeitskreis für tibetische und buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2021, 978-3-902501-39-4. ⟨hal-03818524⟩
- Vincent Tournier, Vincent Eltschinger, Marta Sernesi (Dir.). Archaeologies of the Written: Indian, Tibetan, and Buddhist Studies in Honour of Cristina Scherrer-Schaub. Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, 2020, Series Minor, Francesco Sferra, 978-88-6719-174-1. ⟨10.6093/978-88-6719-174-1⟩. ⟨hal-04000641⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, John Taber, Michael Torsten Much, Isabelle Ratié. Dharmakīrti’s Theory of Exclusion (apoha). Part I: On Concealing.. The International Institute for Buddhist Studies (Tokyo), 2018, 978-4-906267-76-7. ⟨halshs-02149219⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, Jonathan Silk, Von Oskar (Dir.). Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Brill, 2015. ⟨hal-01447489⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Buddhist Epistemology as Apologetics. Studies on the History, Self-understanding and Dogmatic Foundations of Late Indian Buddhist Philosophy. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2014. ⟨hal-01447486⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, Helmut Krasser (Dir.). Scriptural Authority, Reason and Action. Proceedings of a Panel at the 14th World Sanskrit Conference, Kyoto, September 1-5, 2009. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2013. ⟨hal-01447483⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, Isabelle Ratié. Self, No-Self, and Salvation. Dharmakirti's Critique of the Notions of Self and Person. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2013. ⟨hal-01447480⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, Isabelle Ratié. Self, No-Self, and Salvation. Dharmakīrti’s Critique of the Notions of Self and Person. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. , 2013. ⟨halshs-01182714⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, François Voegeli, Danielle Feller, Maria Candotti, Bogdan Diaconescu, et al. (Dir.). Devadattiyam. Johannes Bronkhorst Felicitation Volume. Peter Lang, 2012. ⟨hal-01447468⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Caste and Buddhist Philosophy. Continuity of some Buddhist Arguments against the Realist Interpretation of Social Denominations. Motilal Banarsidass, 2012. ⟨hal-01447469⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, Krasser Helmut, John Taber. Can the Veda Speak? Dharmakirti against Mimamsa Exegetics and Vedic Authority. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. 2012. ⟨hal-01447465⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Penser l'autorité des Écriture. La polémique de Dharmakirti contre la notion brahmanique orthodoxe d'un Veda sans auteur. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2007. ⟨hal-01447492⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Dharmakirti sur les mantra et la perception du suprasensible. Arbeitskreis für tibetische und buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2001. ⟨hal-01447496⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. "Caste" et philosophie bouddhique. Continuité de quelques arguments bouddhiques contre le traitement réaliste des dénominations sociales. Arbeitskreis für tibetische und buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2000. ⟨hal-01447498⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger, Serge Gumy, Didier Monay, Anne-Sylvie Mariéthoz, Frédéric Yerly (Dir.). Sacré(s). 15, 1996, Equinoxe, Revue romande de sciences humaines. ⟨hal-01447502⟩
Book sections
- Isabelle Ratié, Vincent Eltschinger. A Buddhist Refutation of the Existence of a Creator God: Śubhagupta’s Īśvarabhaṅgakārikā. Vincent Eltschinger, Jowita Kramer, Parimal Patil, Chizuko Yoshimizu. Burlesque of the Philosophers. Indian and Buddhist Studies in Memory of Helmut Krasser, University of Hamburg, pp.29-72, 2023. ⟨halshs-04247603⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Philosophical Literature: South Asia. Jonathan Silk, Vincent Eltschinger, Oskar von Hinüber. Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism, I, Brill, pp.593-620, 2015, Languages and Literature. ⟨hal-01447536⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Latest News from a Kashmirian ‘Second Dharmakīrti’: On the Life, Works and Confes-sional Identity of Śaṅkaranandana According to New Manuscript Resources. Patrick Mc Allister, Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, Helmut Krasser. Cultural Flows across the Western Himalaya, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, pp.303-363, 2015. ⟨hal-01447534⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Abhidharma. Jonathan Silk, Vincent Eltschinger, Oskar von Hinüber. Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism, I, Brill, pp.88-102, 2015, Languages and Literature. ⟨hal-01447538⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Pure Land Sūtras. Jonathan Silk, Vincent Eltschinger, Oskar von Hinüber. Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism, I, Brill, pp.210-230, 2015, Languages and Literature. ⟨hal-01447537⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Buddhist Esoterism and Epistemology. Two Six-Century Innovations as Buddhist Responses to Social and Religio-Political Transformations. Eli Franco. Periodization and Historiography of Indian Philosophy, De Nobili Research Library, pp.171-273, 2013. ⟨hal-01447528⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Turning Hermeneutics Into Apologetics: Reasoning and Rationality under Changing Historical Circumstances. Vincent Eltschinger, Helmut Krasser. Scriptural Authority, Reason and Action. Proceedings of a Panel at the 14th World Sanskrit Conference, Kyoto, September 1-5, 2009, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, pp.71-145, 2013. ⟨hal-01447529⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Die vorislamischen indischen Religionen. N.N. Das Indien der Maharadschas, pp.118-126, 2013. ⟨hal-01447542⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Debate, Salvation and Apologetics. On the Institutionalization of Dialectics in the Buddhist Monastic Environment. François Voegeli, Vincent Eltschinger, Danielle Feller, Maria Piera Candotti, Bogdan Diaconescu, Malhar Kulkarni. Devadattiyam. Johannes Bronkhorst Felicitation Volume, Peter Lang, pp.429-489, 2012. ⟨hal-01447505⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Apocalypticism, Heresy and Philosophy. Piotr Balcerowicz. World View and Theory in Indian Philosophy, Manohar, pp.29-85, 2012. ⟨hal-01447507⟩
Other publications
- Vincent Eltschinger. Helmut Krasser (1956-2014). 2015, pp.11-13. ⟨hal-01447541⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Review of: Raffaele Torella, The Philosophical Traditions of India. An Appraisal. 2012, pp.105-108. ⟨hal-01447543⟩
- Vincent Eltschinger. Review of: Lawrence J. McCrea and Parimal G. Patil, Buddhist Philosophy of Language in India. Jñanasrimitra on Exclusion. 2012. ⟨hal-01447544⟩