The concept of sukha in the ascetic traditions of Ancient India

The ascetic traditions of Ancient India aim to overcome duḥkha (suffering), and they often claim that it is not possible to obtain true or permanent sukha (happiness, pleasure, bliss) in this life. Nevertheless, ascetic literature in Ancient India, as found in the Mahābhārata and early Buddhist and Jaina sources, abounds in positive discussions of sukha. The interest in the concept of sukha and especially in creating hierarchies of different kinds of sukha is highlighted by the usage of various compounds that end in –sukha, such as mokṣasukha, nirvāṇasukha, dhyānasukha, buddhisukha, bodhisukha, saṃtoṣasukha, svargasukha, kāmasukha, and so forth.

This talk will investigate the concept of sukha in the ascetic literature of Ancient India. It will argue that sukha is a key concept in religious rhetoric, creating boundaries between different religious traditions as well as situating the renouncer vis-à-vis the householder. The ascetic poetry of Ancient India often creates hierarchies of sukha and offers some special kind of ascetic sukha that is superior to ordinary happiness or pleasure. Finally, a note will be made on the treatment of this ascetic heritage in the Pātañjalayogaśāstra, which offers a tripartite hierarchy of sukha.

  • Organisateurs : Émilie Aussant (USN) et Vincent Eltschinger (EPHE-PSL)
  • Invité : Valters Negribs, lauréat 2023 de la bourse fondation Colette Caillat
  • Date et horaire : Mercredi 29 novembre 2023, 12h00-14h00
  • Lieu et salle : Campus Nation, salle C 434; 8 avenue de Saint-Mandé, 75 012 Paris

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Valters Negribs a étudié l’étude des religions et de l’anthropologie sociale (BA) et les traditions du yoga et de la méditation (MA) à SOAS, Université de Londres avant d’obtenir un doctorat en études orientales au Wolfson College, Université d’Oxford.

Valters a rejoint le GREI en janvier 2023 grâce à une bourse Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentship (postdoctorat), travaillant sur son projet « Littérature ascétique dans les premières traditions hindoues, bouddhistes et jaïnas ». Le projet de recherche vise à comprendre les aspects des premières traditions hindoues, bouddhistes et jaïnas en tant qu’aspects d’une culture ascétique partagée, en se concentrant sur des termes, des récits et des idéaux partagés.