Oct 5, 2022 | All, Publication
Vedic Śākhās: Past, Present, Future We are pleased to inform you that the book Vedic Śākhās: Past, Present, Future can again be ordered from Dev Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi : Jan E. M. Houben, Julieta Rotaru & Michael Witzel (eds.), Vedic Śākhās:...
Sep 15, 2022 | All, Publication
The Creative South: Buddhist and Hindu Art in Mediaeval Maritime Asia We are pleased to announce the publication of the second volume of the editorial project jointly directed by Andrea Acri (EPHE, EA2120) and Peter Sharrock (SOAS): The Creative South: Buddhist and...
Apr 25, 2022 | All, Publication
We are pleased to announce the publication of the following book: The Creative South: Buddhist and Hindu Art in Medieval Maritime Asia. Vol. 1. Edited by Andrea Acri and Peter Sharrock. Singapore: ISEAS, April 2022 (in collaboration with Alphawood Foundation, Chicago,...
Mar 15, 2022 | All, Publication
A Road Less Traveled. Felicitation Volume in Honor of John Taber Vincent Eltschinger, Birgit Kellner, Ethan Mills and Isabelle Ratié. A Road Less Traveled. Felicitation Volume in Honor of John Taber. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. 2021, 100, 542...
Mar 7, 2022 | All, Publication
Ratanapañña’s Vajirasāratthasaṅgaha and its Ṭīkā We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest book by GREI member Javier Schnake: Ratanapañña’s Vajirasāratthasaṅgaha and its Ṭīkā edited by Javier Schnake, The Pali Text Society, Bristol, 2021,...
Feb 21, 2022 | Publication
Catalogue of the exhibition “Yoga. Ascetics, Yogis, Sufis” We are pleased to announce the publication of the catalogue of the exhibition “Yoga. Ascetics, Yogis, Sufis” (Paris, Musée Guimet, February 2 to May 2, 2022) containing an article by...