Nov 2, 2021 | All, Other news
We are pleased to draw your attention to the online lecture series “Different Perspectives On Monasteries in India” organised by the Vihāra Project (JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 18H03569, “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta...
Sep 28, 2021 | All, Other news
We are delighted to inform you about the coming event of the Vihāra project (team of evaluation) held on October 8 (Fri), “Buddhism and Śaivism in Premodern Trans-Himalayan Regions” whose details are as follows: Date and Time: Oct 8 (Fri) 10:00-13:00...
Sep 13, 2021 | All, Other news
As the new City of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Condorcet Campus is above all a place of openness to the world, to its time and to its territory. After two new academic years and eighteen months of turbulence due to the health crisis, the Campus and its teams...
Aug 30, 2021 | All, Publication
Utpaladeva on the Power of Action, by Isabelle Ratié The Recognition of the Lord (Īśvarapratyabhijñā) by the Kashmirian Utpaladeva (c. 925–975) is a landmark in the history of nondual Śaivism, and one of the masterpieces of Indian philosophy. The detailed commentary...
Jun 28, 2021 | All, Publication
Kundakunda, La quintessence du Soi, traduit du prakrit et présenté par Jérôme Petit La Quintessence du Soi (Samayasāra) est un texte fondateur de la philosophie jaina. Rédigé en prakrit entre le Ve et VIIIe siècle de notre ère, il invite le lecteur à discerner deux...
Jun 11, 2021 | All, Other news
Mercredi 09 juin 2021 – 09:00 – 17:00 par visioconférence. Cette journée s’inscrit dans l’héritage de la célèbre série d’études de Louis Renou sur la littérature védique et la tradition grammaticale de l’Inde ancienne, série qui inaugura, en 1955, la...