The 8ᵗʰ International Vedic Workshop is co-organized by Silvia D’Intino (ANHIMA, CNRS, Paris) and Jan Houben (GREI, EPHE-PSL, Paris).
The International Vedic Workshop is the most prominent conference of Indologists involved in the study of the Vedas all over the world.
As in all earlier International Vedic Workshops, the research to be represented at the Eighth International Vedic Workshop will share not only a common subject area, viz. Vedic texts and the language and ritual reflected in these, but also an acceptance of the importance of the philological method in dealing with these texts, where possible supplemented with Vedic ‘fieldwork’. The proceedings of the first International Vedic Workshop, published in 1997, including the Introduction by Michael Witzel, are in this respect exemplary.
For more information on registration, registration fees and a preliminary program :
The Workshop focuses on the Vedas, with special attention to :
• Vedas, Vedāṅgas and Vedalakṣaṇas
• Ṛgveda, Sāmaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda
• Scholarly interpretation of Vedic texts
• Traditional performance (recitation, chant) of Vedic texts
• Vedic manuscript tradition
• Vedic ritual
• Vedic schools (śākhās)
• Vedic traditions in India and Nepal
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